
Our portfolio of fixed bottom and floating wind projects currently totals approximately 7GW, with 1GW operational, 0.5GW under construction, and 5.5GW in various stages of development. It includes:

Golden State Wind

Golden State Wind is a floating offshore wind project in the early stages of development, located in the Morro Bay Wind Energy Area off the central coast of California, USA. The project is a joint venture of Ocean Winds and Reventus Power, managed by Ocean Winds.

When fully developed, the project is expected to generate up to 2GW of offshore wind energy, helping California meet its 100% clean electricity target by 2045, while bringing the U.S. closer to its goal of 15GW of floating offshore wind generation by 2035.

The lease auction was the first floating offshore wind lease sale in the country, and the first offshore wind lease award of any kind on the West Coast.

Gippsland Skies

Gippsland Skies Offshore Wind is a proposed 2.5GW fixed bottom project located approximately 30km off the south coast of Gippsland in Victoria, Australia.

The project is being developed by a consortium of Australian and international companies comprising Mainstream Renewable Power, Reventus Power, AGL Energy, and DIRECT Infrastructure.

It is expected to be one of Australia’s first offshore wind projects to reach commercial operation, with the first phase expected to be operational in 2032, contributing significantly to the Victorian Government’s offshore wind targets of at least 2GW by 2032 and 4GW by 2035.


Reventus Power manages the investments held by CPP Investments in France via Maple Power.  This comprises a portfolio of five fixed-bottom and floating offshore wind projects, with 1GW operational and 0.5GW in construction.